On 3rd Dec 2019 the Sai Samarpan trainees had a gala cultural programme with music and dance and every trainee participated and enjoyed the entire programme. They were also given gift hampers by the trustees.
On 13th December 2019 the children were taken to participate in the District Disabled Day Celebration at Kancheepuram. One of our trainees gave a music rendition and other trainees joined him and supported him in the stage. There was pin drop silence in the hall during the music rendition and the special student performance was well appreciated by one and all.
On 17th December 2019 Sai Samarpan had a comprehensive medical check up at Sai Samarpan premises sponsored by Dr.Meera Raghavan and her team of doctors which included alongwith general medical check up ENT check up by Dr.Kiruba Shankar and dental check up by Ms.Dr.Aparna as well. Apart from special children of Sai Samarpan, CLAPS, their parents, staff of Sai Samarpan, the people from the community living in Irandamkattalai Kovur area were all invited and there was good participation for the programme. Nearly 38 people had benefited from the camp. The medical consultations started at 9 am sharp and went up to 12 noon. After the medical camp was over the children of Sai Samarpan entertained the medical team and the visitors with their music and dance performance followed by a sumptuous lunch.
A sumptuous breakfast and lunch during the camp was arranged and sponsored by Shri.D.Muralidharan from Caplin Points and the programme was a grand success.